Main tree varieties in the forests managed by the Public Company “Vojvodinašume” include: pedunculate oak, poplars, willows, narrow-leaved ash, white ash and acacia.
Selected black popular and willow varieties are used for the wood production and grown in intensive and highly productive plantations with the application of agrotechnical measures of varied intensity. Natural components of this variety exist within the limited areas, in unprotected marshland areas of the Danube, the Tisa, the Sava, the Tamis and other flooded river terraces.
White ash (Fraxinus Americana) prevails in unprotected areas of flooded river terraces. Despite being both technically and economically less significant variety compared to narrow-leaved ash, it has a great capacity of spontaneous propagation, thus representing a serious opponent to autochthonous forest tree varieties.
Acacia is most frequently found among forest crops grown in areas of sands, which act as protective forests. This variety has a significant use-value of wood. Its application encompasses the production of poles, mine timber and fuelwood and it has lately been used as valuable technical wood in industrial and trade-related processing.
In addition to previously mentioned varieties, the following varieties of forest trees may also be found in the forests on the territory of Vojvodina: Turkey oak, black and white pine, linden, white poplar, hornbeam and others.